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Our Mission Statement
The Association of Poinciana Villages and FirstService Residential are committed to delivering exceptional service and solutions, that enhance the value of every property and lifestyle of every resident of Poinciana.

Do I need a permit from the Association of Poinciana Villages to do work on my home?Anything that you do to the exterior of your property needs a permit from the Association of Poinciana Villages design control board, with the exception of landscaping. Examples of this are, but not limited to: Painting Roofing Additions Concrete work Sheds / gazebos / screenrooms Fencing It is always best that if you question whether or not you need a permit to call the design control board and get your answer. 863-427-0900 ext 609
Who cleans the maintains the ditches in the front of my home?The ditches in the front of your property are the responsibility of the county in which you reside. Either Polk or Osceola. If you feel that your ditch line needs attention you would call your county, at which time they will inspect. On occassion the county will hire the Association of Poinciana Village Public works department to rectify the problem. But Public Works can only clean the ditches upon request of the County.
Who do I call regarding the picking up of bulk waste?Bulk waste items i.e. furniture, appliances, etc. are picked up by the county solid waste department. Each county has their own criteria to handle bulk waste. Each county has information on their website as to how they handle bulk waste items. Osceola County call (407) 742-7750 or go to Polk County call 863-284-4319 or go to This information also includes illegal dumping you may find in your neighborhood.
How can I place an advertisement in the Poinciana Pioneer?All advertising in the Pioneer is handled by Sun Publishing. The advertising agent for the Poinciana Pioneer is Jamie Soussa and he may be reached at 407-846-7600 For Business Services Ads call JODY AT 321-402-0423 For Classified Ads Call 407-846-7600
How do I know how much are my yearly assessments (dues)?You are sent a statement in December for the upcoming year. If not received but December of each year please contact APV 863-427-0900.
How is the yearly assessment determined?Management submit a budget at the October meeting of the Board of Directors. They board either votes the budget in or asks management for revisions. In addition, the management holds a special meeting for all the members of the Association of Poinciana Villages to present the budget before the Board of Directors meeting.
When are my yearly assessments due?You yearly assessments are due on January 1 of each year can be paid in full for the year or may be paid in interest free monthly installments always due the 1st of every month after the 15th a $25 late fee will be assessed.
Is it manditory that I become a member of the Association of Poinciana Villages?Yes. If you are a homeowner when you close on your property you are advised by your closing agent that you are purchasing in a deed restricted community managed by an homeowners association. When you sign the documents you are agreeing to be a member.
What do my yearly assessments pay for?Your yearly assessments pay for operating, maintaining, growing, and improving the community of Poinciana. for a breakdown please click the link below WHAT DOES YOUR YEARLY DUES PAY FOR? 1. Duke Energy for all street lighting and pole maintenance. In addition, all electricity in common areas buildings or amenities owned by APV. 2. Toho Water Authority for water usage in all buildings amenities and pools 3 It pays for the maintenance and upkeep of all the park equipment, and buildings in Poinciana and all common areas. 4. Roadside maintenance and mowing of over 180 miles of roadway 5. The cleaning of over 134 miles of swales and canals. 6. Care and maintenance of all APV owned Building pools and amenities 7. Employees’ wages, health insurance etc. 8. for litter clean up on roadways and common areas. 9For APV sponsored activities and events 10. legal fees 11. For purchase and maintenance of all APV vehicles that hold the APV official logo. If there is no logo it is not paid for with your dues. 12. All purchase and maintenance of all equipment and heavy machinery used by the APV’s Public Works Dept. 13. Gas, insurance and maintenance of all vehicles owned by APV. 14. For the purchase and maintenance of equipment in the fitness center. 15.Pays the taxes insurance utilities etc. of all APV owned buildings 16. Yearly contracts for Management, Public Relations, IT Company, postal service and machines, printers and copiers and other office equipment. 17. Office, cleaning, and misc. supplies and maintenance 18. Independent auditor to do rigorous studies of the financials of APV. In addition, the auditor reports to the board any mismanagement of funds or improper financial activities of APV management. 18. Pays APV to honor and uphold the covenant and deed of restrictions set forth in the official APV documents 19. Pays for all of your Bulk cable and internet services (was incorporated into assessments in 2022. WHAT IS NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY OF APV 1. Does not pay for cleaning of drainage ditches in front of your home. a. Unless APV is hired by the county to clean them. b. Your County taxes pay for this 2. Does not pay for sidewalks a. County taxes pay 3. Not responsible for tree trimming except in common area. 4. Not responsible for cutting vacant lots a. The property owner is responsible if not maintained, the county will mow and charge the property owner. 5. APV is not allowed, by law, to do any maintenance on private property whether it is vacant or not. 6. Homeowners are responsible for the upkeep and maintenance of their properties in accordance with our documents. 7. Curbside service is paid for with your county taxes this includes solid waste, yard waste and bulk pickup. Information can be found on County Website
Why do I have to pay to use the pools in Poinciana if I am a homeowner and member of the association.The Board of Directors determined that since everyone has a choice whether to use the pools or not, the people that do use the pools pay a small fee to help to defray the cost of the maintenance of the pool.
Can I have a above ground pool at my home?Yes above ground pools are allowed. There are restrictions RULES FOR ABOVE GROUND POOLS. 7.11 Pools. In-ground swimming pools are permitted. Above-ground pools are allowed; however, only with a fully enclosed 6’ solid privacy fence (wood, PVC, concrete block or brick) sufficiently opaque and of such height so as to prevent the pool from being seen from the public side of the fence, APV Greenways and/or roadway: not to exceed current fence requirements. County requirements for fencing or screening pools must be complied with.
What do I do if I get a letter from The Association of Poinciana Villages that my property is in violation of the Deed of Restrictions?When receiving a friendly reminder letter from the association it is telling you that one of our compliance officers have see a violation on your property. You are given 10 days to take care of that violation. The officer will drive by in 10 days to see if it is cleared up. If not it is reported for a second notice. You always want to take care of a violation as soon as possible. If you have a problem and can't take care of it within the 10 days alotted please call the Community Service Department and explain why. The Staff is always ready and willing to help you clear the violation. As of August 2018 it was approved by the Board of Directors to form a fining committee to review homeowners that have not cleared violations and repeat offenders and determine if a fine should be imposed of $1000.00. It is the Associations top priority to uphold the covenants and criteria to keep Poinciana looking beautiful and well maintained and keep property values at their highest possible.
Who services electric and water utilities?The companies below service both Oseola and Polk county. Energy is Duke Energy Water is Toho Water Authority you can find contact information and website links under the Support section of this website.
What do I do if I encounter an alligator that I feel is a threat to himself or my safety.Persons with concerns about an alligator may call toll-free Nuisance Alligator Hotline at 866-FWC-GATOR (866-392-4286). When someone concerned about an alligator calls the Nuisance Alligator Hotline, we will dispatch one of our contracted nuisance alligator trappers to resolve the situation. Generally, an alligator may be deemed a nuisance if it is at least four feet in length and the caller believes it poses a threat to people, pets or property.
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Are there fees for the use of amenities?There are minimal fees associated with Poinciana Amenities. Fees for the use of the pools and gyms are listed on the pages on this website associated with each particular amenity.
What Utilities are included?Bulk cable and Internet - Included in HOA Assessments
What are the pet restrictions for Poinciana?There are no breed not weight restrictions for either cats or dogs Maximum of 2 dogs and 2 cats allowed. County lease laws enforced. Farm animals are not allowed i.e. chickens goats ect.
Lease restrictions and informationNo approval is needed by APV Short Term Rentals are not allowed in Poinciana. 6 month minimum required. Association requires name and occupancy # to be reported to office. If property is managed by a leasing agency Copy of management agreement is required and can be sent to Association of Poinciana Village 401 Walnut Street Poinciana, Florida 34759.
Where can one find the By-Laws and Deed of RestrictionsYou can find these documents on this website under the Homeowners Information page.
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